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Savate Workshop Training Series - Austin, Texas 11-2-24
Savate Workshop Training Series - Austin, Texas 11-2-24
Workshop Intro and Foot to Foot Warm-up Drill (1:54)
Touch Knee Drill (1:38)
Hand to Shoulder/Foot to Knee Drill (2:00)
Hand/Foot Same Side Return Hand Strike (3:52)
Why Switching Roles? (1:32)
Front and Back Leg Swings (1:29)
Sideways Leg Swings (1:45)
Outward Knee Rotations (0:34)
Knee Rotations with Simultaneous Steps (1:06)
Chasse with Simultaneous Step (1:00)
Low Chasse to High Revers same Leg with Simultaneous Step (1:32)
Low Chasse to High Revers with Simultaneous Backward Step (1:15)
Hand Targets for Fouette/Chasse/Revers Same Leg Moving Forward and Back (2:58)
Jab/Cross/Low Fouetté/Mid Fouetté Same Leg using Front or Back Leg-Return Mid Frontal Chasse/Low Lateral Chasse Same Leg/2 Punches (4:19)
Jab/Cross/Hook/Low Rear Fouette/Mid Fouetté Same Leg-Escape/Fouette/Chasse Same Leg/Cross/Jab or Jab/Cross (2:27)
Low Lead Fouetté/Mid Chasse Same Leg/Cross/Hook-Return Sweep Coup de Pied Bas/Low Chasse Same Leg/High Fouetté/Mid Frontal Chasse other Leg (5:59)
Ping-Pong Drill Using Double Kicks (3:23)
Attack 2 Punches-Defend/ Return/Double Kicks (2:39)
1 Kick/2 Punches-Defend/Return/Double Kicks/2 Punches (2:41)
Sparring Using Multiple Kicks Combinations (0:56)
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Low Chasse to High Revers same Leg with Simultaneous Step
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