Course 2: Warm Ups, Stances and Footwork

The goal of this course is to take you through a wide range of specifically designed types of warm-up exercises that will prepare your body for the specificity of Savate. This step-by-step progression will quickly increase your joints and muscles range of motion, coordination, balance, and bring your cardio-vascular system ready to go over the requirements of the following courses. Finally, the course will go in detail over the basic stance and guard, and different footwork exercises.

Example Curriculum

  Instructional Videos
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days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Bernardo Daniel Arenas

Two Saturdays ago I studied for an online course with Professor Nicolás Saignac, a great experience was, I had not had that opportunity to do a savate course since this art does not reach our country Chile, other than watching the videos and There, to be able to get entertainment ideas from the techniques, it was different for the teacher to be watching and to be able to correct mistakes, for me and my wife it was a great experience.