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Professeur Nicolas Saignac is literally the authority on Savate in my opinion. His tutelage is not only easily understood and processed, but his love and enthusiasm for the sport and art of Savate really shines through in his teaching.. I can’t recommend him highly enough. Looking forward to his online program, and seeing him continue to promote this amazing art.

It’s an Instructional par excellence as they say in french.

Mick Tully

With Nicolas Saignac as my coach, I took 2nd place in the Savate Assaut World Cup.

I fought in 4 World Championships total for Team USA, and every one of them was because of Nicolas’ training and guidance.

Professor Saignac is unquestionably generous with his knowledge of combat arts and Savate Français. I was fortunate to have been able to study from Nicolas for over ten years. During this time, he helped me to overcome my fear of sparring and turn it into a love of the ring. I learned more about myself, and the world around me, than I had at any other time in my life. His patience, drills, and strategy, took many of his students to world competitions over the years. Because of him, we were able to experience a camaraderie through sport, both here in the States, as well as internationally, that we would have not been able to experience otherwise. And yes, he totally taught us how to kick ass. :) Nicolas’ lessons, as well as the lessons of Savate, carry me through today. I will always be grateful to the sport, and to Nicolas Saignac.


Mary Frances Person, LAc

Silver Glove

I have studied with Professor Nicolas Saignac for my entire Savate journey. He is a World Champion and a Master teacher.

His teaching approach is simple and informative, with a great amount of emphasis on movement and the fluid application of techniques, even in the beginning stages of learning Savate. If you have the ability to participate in any of his seminars - in person, live online, or through the old video tapes, it will be well worth your time. His attention to detail will improve anyone at any level - even the absolute beginner.

John Meadows

I have had the good fortune to have trained and tested under Nicholas Saignac at his classes in Venice Ca and in seminars at notable schools in Orange County Ca. His precise and clear instruction has served me well over the years. His classes have the perfect balance of technical precision and a friendly, enjoyable atmosphere. He has always been upbeat and very generous with his knowledge and expertise. I am very excited and so looking forward to continuing my training with him in this new online platform. 

 Ray Rosales

Professor Nicolas Saignac reset my thinking of what is the art of Savate, his method is highly revolutionized, totally combative and strategic. He has helped me enjoy art and increase my abilities by fine-tuning details and ideas that I hadn't noticed.

Professor Nicolas's classes are magical, I immediately wanted to be his student derived from his genius and ability, but also because he cares and strives for his students to learn and give their best, this added to his high quality as a Teacher and above all as a great human being.

I am very grateful and very happy to be your student.

Francisco Vasquez

Red Glove under Prof. Nicolas Saignac

Reynosa, Mexico

Jerome Turcan

Savate is truly a great efficient martial arts. After I started practicing Savate, my whole kickboxing skills improved tremendously. If you can work with a trainer as good as Nicolas Saignac, don't pass the opportunity! Knowledge and experience will improve to the next level guaranteed.

Tommy Belt

I had Nicolas at my School in Altadena in 1994 for a one day seminar.It was clear during the 4 hour seminar that I needed to have Nicholas as a regular Saturday A/M fixture!! Nicolas is a great teacher who is passionate about his art!!!